Monday 22 September 2014

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Why two people can wake up from the dead wolf spirit illusion, mainly because of the state of the dead wolf is not a prime, and the release of spiritual illusion of bighorn also turned out. So the two men to wake up from the illusion of safety. As for the leaf -by- stream how dreams are fairy king, not a leaf Waner, which is also a reason. First, Wang Xian entered the illusion is lying by the stream leaves the body, while the leaves are not stained by the current bighorn starlight burst open. Ye will enter the illusion by the current, mainly due to the fairy king 's body lying in Monster Cases passive into the Wang Xian illusion.

The most important is the leaf by the current patrol Mulberry Cases for NBA Cases withstand the nether wolf gas explosion, so in the subconscious of the leaves by the current naturally think of a loved one. They certainly do not know why. Wang Xian shy thinking mind, and he will not really like the leaves by the current, right? NBA Cases Not help CeGuo head, aiming glances leaves by the current fortitude handsome face. A Jianmei black as ink, straight as a sword, a pair of dark eyes, like black onyx and if the stars of heaven, inlaid as in sliced ​​angular face, straight nike free run nose, right in the mouth.

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